2024 Tamarack Tournaments
SIJHSSA JR Mon 4/22 8:30AM
Gods Special Children Fri 4/26 11AM
Tomahawks Baseball Sat 4/27 1PM
St Louis Women’s Golf Assoc Thurs 5/9 8:30AM
Mascoutah Lions Fri 5/10 12:00
Amateur Players Tour Sat 5/11 7AM
St Clair County Republicans Fri 5/17 9AM
Sunrise Rotary Thurs 5/23 11AM
Metro East Seniors D4 Thurs 5/30 7AM
O’Fallon Fire Dept Fri 5/31 11AM
Dogtown Sun 6/2 10AM
SWC Coaches Tues 6/4 12:00
Metro East Seniors D5 Thurs 6/13 7AM
Assumption H.S. Fri 6/14 9AM
Metro East Seniors D3 Thurs 6/20 7AM
O’Fallon Alumni & Friends Fri 6/28 12:00
Butthead Open Sat 7/13 1 PM
McKendree Football Fri 7/26 9AM
Demo Sports Bar Fri 8/2 11AM
Metro East Seniors D2 Fri 8/9 7AM
Juice Cup Sat 8/10 1PM
St. Clair Co. H.S. Tues 8/27 1PM
O’Fallon Rotary Fri 9/6 12:00
Bombers Baseball Sat 9/7 1PM
O’Fallon H.S. Girls Tues 9/10 1PM
O’Fallon Co-ED Thurs 9/12 1PM
East St. Louis Catholic Schools Fri 9/13 9AM
Dogtown Sun 9/15 10AM
Panther Classic Tues 9/17 1PM
Hoyelton Fri 9/20 11AM
Shiloh Police Sat 9/21 1PM
St Clair Co. Futures Thurs 9/26 1PM
Belleville Cup Fri 9/27 11AM
Chili Dawg Sat 9/28 1PM
DWID Sun 9/29 8AM
Belleville Dioces Sat 10/5 1PM
Metro East Seniors D1 Fri 10/11 7AM
SWIC Fri 10/18 11AM
Black Friday Debacle Fri 10/22 9:30AM

Tamarack Golf Club is the perfect place to host a golf tournament of any size. During the tournament, we will provide you with scoring sheets, calculate the scoring and we can also host contests like the longest drive, closest to the pin, straightest drive, and the longest putt.
2024 Tournament Packages Now Available. Services Include:
- Your choice of set tee times or a shotgun start
- 18 Holes Greens fee and cart
- Placement of tee & sponsor signs
- Registration & prize table set-up
- Scoring
- Lunch, and/or Dinner
- Use of clubhouse, bar, and/or pavilion
- Complete tournament assistance including pairing sheets, cart signs, scorecards, score sheets, hole contests, and more!
Tamarack does not allow any food or beverage to be brought into the Clubhouse or onto the Golf Course. Food and beverages are available to golfers through the bar or our beverage cart.
If your event includes donated food and beverages, please speak with course management for special consideration. We understand that some events are fundraisers for various charities & causes and we will be happy to work with you to make your event a success.
Our goal at Tamarack Golf Club is to consistently provide our patrons the opportunity for an enjoyable golf outing. To help assure that all players and spectators may have a pleasant experience at our facilities we have developed the following policies at Tamarack:
• Players must sign in at the Pro Shop prior to play.
• Each player must have his or her own set of clubs. Rental clubs are available in the pro shop.
• All food and beverages must be purchased at Tamarack Bar and Grill. NO alcoholic beverages may be brought onto the course or property. NO personal coolers are allowed. Violators of this policy will be asked to leave the premises.
• There is no starting from #10 tee without permission from the Pro Shop.
• Golf carts are restricted to two (2) individuals per cart at all times.
• Players must be 16 years old and possess a valid driver’s license to rent golf carts.
• Dress code is in effect at all times. Appropriate golf attire is required for all players. Shorts should be mid-length or longer. No cut-offs or tank tops permitted. Shirts must have sleeves and must be worn at all times.
• Children under twelve are allowed to play on golf course only under adult supervision and only if green fee is purchased and they have an individual set of clubs.
• Soft spikes are required at all times.
• Cart drivers must observe the rules of the day posted at the Pro Shop whether it is the 90° Rule are Path Only. Carts must remain in the confines of the Course at all times. Native grass areas are off-limits to carts. Players who drive carts in prohibited areas may be asked to leave the premises with no refund given.
• Carts should be returned to the cart path prior to reaching the rope line or the indicating signs short of each green.
• Carts should remain on the paths on all par 3 holes.
• Carts are due back at the pro shop before dark. Players are responsible for any and all damages done to golf carts.
• A riding fee is in effect for non-golfers/spectators if the spectator requires the use of an additional cart that would otherwise not be necessary.
• Rain Check Policy: Rain checks are issued as a courtesy to our customers for inclement weather and course closure only. We reserve the right not to issue a rain check if inclement weather is present when you start playing, so please keep this in mind before paying your fee. Please note that a rain check is a dollar amount – not a number of holes. Depending upon the day of the week and the time of play, you may be paying for golf at a more expensive rate than when the rain check was issued, and a balance may be owed.
• Tamarack uses a warning horn to indicate the presence of lightning in the area. It is advised that players return to the clubhouse when the horn sounds.